TERA - Reaper PvE - Consumables
While most are not strictly necessary, there are quite a number of consumables you'll want to carry around with you at all times. These range from direct power or crit boosts to utility in the forms of cdr and resurrection capability. Many you might not use very often, if ever, but it's still good to have a supply just in case, and some are more or less vital for good dps.
The majority of consumables don't actually cost too much, and are a good investment even at fresh 65. Some of the more valuable ones will either be picked up from activities such as Overwatch or the Rootstock festival.
DPS Buffs
There are quite a few consumables that can increase your dps in one way or another, these range from direct damage buffs to utility buffs such as cooldown reduction. The ones you're interested in are listed below, along with a note as to how important they are in normal combat.

Scrolls of Crit Power
These scrolls increase your crit modifier by around 1.38 (depending on the quality of scroll). They are well worth the investment, as crit chance and crit power are the name of the game. Roughly 11g per scroll and lasting for 15 minutes, they aren't too expensive either, so should be used almost all the time.

Nostrums of Energy
These neat little potions give you 15% cooldown reduction for either 5 or 15 minutes (depending on the quality). This buff is almost vital for any Reaper rotation, and certainly any efficient one. If you can afford these, which you should be able to, they're well worth using every fight for only around 15g.

Bravery/Canephora Potions
Very potent buffs, these potions give you flat out damage increases. Canephora will give you 12% damage, whereas bravery gives you 10% damage, but also comes with 10% defense and 4% attack speed. You can get these either from elite, or from Dreamstorm boxes, but as they are less available than other consumables, it's inadvisable to use them unless you need particularly high dps, or are struggling with a given fight.

Noctenium Infusions
When active, noctenium is consumed when you cast most of your skills, boosting the power of the skill by 5-8%. This is a very nice buff, but as a Reaper you can eat through noctenium incredibly fast, and costing almost 1g per infusion, it's quite expensive. Like the potions above, it's probably best not to use this unless you're really going all out, but it can be a nice boost if you feel you need it.

Food Items
There are a variety of food items, coming from the Rootstock festival, that increase various stats or up your maximum stamina. For direct dps increase, the relevent two items are Floretta Soup and Lamb Bulgogi, which both increase your crit rate (and max HP). If you can afford them, they add a little to your dps, but these are best saved for score runs, like noctenium and bravery potions.

Heaven's Elixir
This elixir increases pretty much all of your main stats by 3; power, crit factor, endurance, movement speed and crit resist. It's a nice little bonus, especially since the buff lasts for 3 whole days and costs around 700g, decent for the length of time covered. If you're running end-game content a lot, it's worth the investment, but for things such as AINM.. don't bother.
Resource Management
Beyond flat dps boosts, it's important to have items to take care of other resources in combat. Potions for HP and MP as well as stamina. Mostly a skilled healer will provide everything you need, but at high level play or with a weaker group, these consumables can become incredibly important.

Eclipse Potions
Depending on the gear level of yourself and your tank, you may not need eclipse potions, but generating 25% less aggro is incredibly important in high-tier play. Even if you barely ever take aggro, a string of high crits can cause a fight like SCHM Darkan to turn on its head very fast, so I advise always using these.

Mana Potions
If you don't have very good and very alert healers with you, MP management can become an issue. Normally through use of Shadow Lash and perhaps the occasional Spiral Barrage you'll be okay, but when popping Shadow Reaping, you'll find you need something more substantial to sustain it. 5% MP every second does just that and more, so I would advise using these to support Reaping if you're aiming for speed kills.

HP Restoration Items
Sometimes your healer dies, or they're struggling while learning a new dungeon, and you need some way to keep yourself alive and stop the whole party wiping. It's a good idea to keep a few healing potions around just in case. Healing Potions and Draughts have seperate cooldowns so having both is nice, and you can also use Valiant or Restorative Potions if you really feel like going all out.

Stamina Management Items
It's always important to keep a supply of Panacea, both Arunic and Combat, in order to top up or refill your stamina in a pinch. Charms provide lesser bonuses on low stamina, not to mention smaller reserves of HP/MP, and at extremely low stamina reduced power. You can also carry around Panaceic Bolsters to stop your stamina from decreasing in the first place if you feel so inclined.
General Use Items
Some consumables you're going to want to have around all the time but ideally never use. It's important to have a supply yourself, because someone needs to, but these are not things that everyone will necessarily need in any given fight, assuming things don't go ugly.

Charms are extremely useful in high level play, providing necessary MP restoration through Infused Charms, a neat damage bonus through Power Charms, and a non-negligible survivability boost via Enduring Charms. It's always good to carry your own supply around (along with fires!) so you can charm in a pinch, be prepared!

Resurrection Scrolls
Healers won't always be around to resurrect for you, in fact healers themselves may die (shock horror) and need a res. Whatever the case, having resurrection scrolls for emergencies can mean the difference between life and death for your party, quite literally of course. Make sure to keep some on hand, and make sure they're rapid ones.

Goddess' Blessing
This scroll will allow you to resurrect on the spot after death, it has a 1 hour cooldown, but you come back with full stamina and some invincibility. You can stack multiple kinds of this item in your inventory to be able to use them more often than once every hour, but exploits aside, a really helpful item to have in a pinch!