TERA - Reaper PvE - Keybinds/UI
It seems a surprisingly frequent question that people ask about keybindings and/or ui layout, so I decided to make a section on it for those interested. I have no advice other than make sure your keybindings are natural for you, easy to press, and something you will remember. Everyone has a slightly different preference, and many keyboards have different quirks that make some buttons or combinations easier or harder to press.
That said, below are all my skill bindings, and a rough idea of my UI layout. Honestly, my UI is very strange, but it works for me, I can see my party clearly and know who's got what buffs and who is getting hit a lot, which helps me know who needs help in what regard, or if I'm healing, it makes my job much easier (it's also very helpful in PvP).

Such a neat screenshot, huh?
Yeah... that was the best I had, and tbh, don't follow my UI, it's messy and weird. The boss healthbar is at the top of the screen btw, and my loot window is in the bottom right.
Anyway, hope this was of some help to those of you after some UI ideas, even if this does look messy (and being in old nexus doesn't help that) it works for me.